Wellesleyites running the Boston Marathon

More than 70 Wellesleyites are listed as official entrants for the Boston Marathon, which takes place on April 19 and runs through town along Rte. 16 and includes the 12-15 mile markers.

Heidi Angle, Chrisanne Banks, Gaetano Bavaro, Martha Blackwell, Eric Bordenstein, Robert Bourgault, Philip Brannigan, James Carroll, Amin Chaoui, Carol Chaoui, Bob Clare, Laura Clare,  Richard Cleary, KC Clements, Robert Collins, Graeme Currie, Heather Daley,  Tara Downie, Patricia Evans, Kimberly Fletcher, Rachel Forman, Jonathan Fortescue, Michele Frost, Julie Garvey, Kate Hall,  Casey Harrington, Antoine Hatoyn, Peter Holland, William Jamieson, Robert Johnston, Stephen Joy, Lawrence Kaplan, Karen Keenan, Patrick LeFevre, David Leslie, Paul Leslie-Smith,  Christine Lucas, Angelo Maragos, Michele Martin, Kate Maul, Timothy Maul, Kimberly McCann, Michael McNamara, Pam McNamara, Stephen Miele, Jr.,  David Milne,  Lisa Morrissey, Elaina Murray, Jerry Nigro, Michele Norman, Jennifer Noxon, Stephen Noxon, Mary Jane O’Donnell, William O’Kane, Jr., Devin O’Reilly, Antonia Perry, Soroya Rahaman, Marshall Randolph, Gregory Rash,  Annie Rolincik, Giulio Romeo, Emilio Rotondi, Catherine Russell, Jay Russell, Thomas Sargent, Cynthia Sibold,  Stephen Silveri, Matthew Smith, Carly Tetel, Sophia Thomas, Christopher Wasel, Matthew Whiteley, Scott Williamson, Georgia Zafferes.

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