Wellesley author brings lessons of Afghani life to English class

Wellesley High School English teacher Shima Khan with a student from her class wearing a burqa flank local author Elizabeth Suneby
Wellesley High School English teacher Shima Khan with a student from her class wearing a burqa flank local author Elizabeth Suneby

Wellesley author Liz Suneby recently visited the Wellesley High School English class of teacher Shima Khan to explore the themes of education for all, gender equity and determination.

Ms. Khan’s 9th grade students had read the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and the teacher invited Suneby to speak to her class about life for girls in Afghanistan. Suneby is the author of Razia’s Ray of Hope: One Girl’s Dream of an Education, a true story of a girl outside of Kabul.
Khan’s students raised money to help send a girl to the Zabuli Education Center featured in Suneby’s book.
The author leads workshops for elementary, middle, and high school students.  You can reach her at www.elizabethsuneby.com