Reconfigured Morses Pond beach open for business

Wellesley Morses PondMorses Pond in Wellesley (at the end of Turner Road) opens this week just in time to catch what’s expected to be a nice string of beach days.

Visitors will find several significant changes, most noticeably an expanded and enclosed dock area. Within this “center crib” water is typically 4-feet deep, so great for families with young kids who feared the previous Morses Pond drop-off. The right side of the beach is more open, for experienced swimmers. There’s also a new swim lane beyond the dock and in front of a new lifeguard’s raft. A swimmer’s raft has also been retained, and that’s the only place patrons are allowed to dive from at the beach.


Morses Pond WellesleyFor Wellesley residents, season tags cost $170 for families of 4 and up; single tags go for $35 for kids up to age 16; $40 for adults and $35 for senior citizens.  Season tags for non-residents are $45 for seniors, $70 for kids and $75 for adults. Daily tags cost $5 for residents, $10 for non-residents. Proof of residency is required for purchasing seasonal tags or daily tags, for residents.

Note that permits are required for using the pavilions and barbecue sites at Morses Pond. They go for $5 for 1.75 hours for residents and $50 for 1.75 hours for non-residents. Various deals are available too, such as $1 Mondays for middle schoolers and $1 daily passes for residents on opening weekend of June 10/11

For more info, swimming lesson info, BBQ pavilion rentals, visit the Wellesley Recreation Department website.

Lifeguards are on duty starting at 10 am (7 days/week).  Once Lifeguards are off duty – Park Rangers will keep park and parking lot open until dusk (Town bylaw), then front gate will be locked for the evening.

Morses Pond is a booze- and drug-free environment.

Wellesley Morses Pond
Watercraft rentals are free for residents on opening weekend of June 10/11

Wellesley Morses Pond
Had a snow scare when walking to the beach on Thursday, but it’s merely plant fluff that was blowing around and settling on the ground

Wellesley Morses PondWellesley Morses PondWellesley Morses PondMorses Pond Wellesley