Wellesley-raised artist creates George Floyd mural in Jamaica Plain

Alexander Golob’s community art is well-know to Wellesley residents. With his 600-ft. long mural “Coloring Book”, the Wellesley High School graduate took what was once a blank wall between Bank of America and California Pizza Kitchen and turned it into a colorful Cubists-inspired painting.

George Floyd mural by Wellesley artist
Mural in Jamaica Plain honors George Floyd’s memory. Photo credit: Golob Art.

Yesterday Golob completed his most recent work, an acrylic painting at 401 Centre St. in Jamaica Plain. The painting’s purpose is to honor the memory of George Floyd and, Golob says, “the countless others who have suffered and died from systemic and continued racism and police brutality in our country.”

Floyd died on May 25 after being pinned to the ground by a police officer who kneeled on his neck for over 8 minutes.

The Boston University College of Fine Arts graduate says the the Jamaica Plain community was kind and generous throughout the project, with words of encouragement, support, and offers of food and water. He is donating all proceeds from the work to Boston Art & Music Soul (BAMS) Fest, a local Black-led arts organization that breaks down  racial and social barriers to the arts, music, and culture across Greater Boston. You can donate to BAMS here.

George Floyd mural by Wellesley artist
Work in progress. Photo credit: Golob Art.

The artistic process wasn’t a complete love-fest between artist and passers-by, however. Golob says that while painting, a racist and homophobic person yelled at him and threatened his life. On his Instagram account he said, “Although I was scared (I’m still rattled), I kept going — maybe even in spite of him. I was deeply moved by the others with me during the first incident who helped shut down the vile tirade from this man and encouraged me to keep painting. He is small and filled with hate. I hope he finds help. In spite of hatred, together, we shall persevere.”

Look for Golob and a group of recent WHS grads later this summer to take up paintbrushes and beautify a brick wall in Linden Square, in the parking lot of the Linden Store. It will be the third artwork that Golob, in partnership with Federal Realty (owner/operator of Linden Square), will have placed in the popular shopping area.