Scouting about for a good fall activity for your Wellesley child?

Wellesley has five scouting troops with family-friendly programs designed for boys and girls in kindergarten through seniors in high school. Programs emphasize shared leadership, learning about the community, service, family understanding, character development, citizenship training, personal fitness, and more.

Linden Square Holiday Stroll
Scouts from Wellesley Troop 64404 seized the opportunity to capture the Holiday Stroll crowd’s attention as they moved around Linden Square. December 2022


Wellesley Boy Scouts
Wellesley Boy Scouts Troop 185 kept community going, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. July 2020.

Throughout the year there are planned activities such as hikes, model rocket launches, canoe trips, camp fires, sing-a-longs, and more. Kids work on badges, plan projects, and advance through the ranks.

To learn more about the troops, check out our Scouting page. Some of the troops are already registering for the fall. All of the troops are welcoming and inclusive, so don’t hesitate to contact leaders at any time during the year with questions