Wellesley Police investigating death of 70-year-old found near college walking path

The Wellesley Police Department on the morning of Wednesday, Dec. 27, responded to a report of an unconscious and unresponsive 70-year-old person in a slightly wooded area next to a Wellesley College walking path near Rte. 135. The caller who reported the incident via 9-1-1 performed CPR on the victim, as did first responders, but the person could not be revived and was pronounced dead.

Wellesley Police , state police, and Wellesley College police are investigating the incident. “This type of investigation occurs whenever there is an untimely death and is a normal procedure,” according to Wellesley Police, who said the deceased person is not believed to have any connection to the college.

The person’s identity was not released, but Wellesley Police confirmed it was not a Wellesley resident.

wellesley police photo
Wellesley Police photo

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