Tenacre Country Day School to host community blood drive, March 7

tenacreStudents and staff at Tenacre Country Day School in Wellesley invite members of the community to support their blood drive on March 7. Co-sponsored by the American Red Cross, the blood drive is open to the public. Appointments can be made, and walk-ins are welcome.

LOCATION: Tenacre’s Wells Playhouse, 78 Benvenue Street, Wellesley
DATE: Thursday, March 7
TIME: 9am-2pm

Although Tenacre students are too young to give blood, they are contributing in other ways to the blood drive. Fifth and sixth graders will assist with registration, the canteen, and guiding donors to Wells Playhouse. Second graders have made posters, and third and fourth graders will write thank you notes to the donors.

In addition to canteen snack items, all donors will receive homemade cookies.

To make an appointment, please contact the American Red Cross at 1-800-RED CROSS or visit this Tenacre Blood Drive link.

Tenacre Country Day School is a coed, private elementary school for Pre-kindergarten through Grade 6.