Friday is letters-to-the-editor day—read what Wellesley Middle School students have to say

Each year Wellesley Middle School Social Studies students take part in a Civics Action Project. In partnership with The Swellesley Report, some of the students chose to write an editorial about a wide range of topics reflecting their individual interests. They were then responsible for emailing their editorials to us.

You can see the students’ letters here.

In a new twist to the process this year, student groups created surveys to collect data on public opinion about their potential topics and their stated goals/strategies for change. Swellesley helped out with this part of the project by posting about the survey and encouraging the community to take a few minutes to fill it out. (The survey is now closed.)

Thanks to WMS Social Studies head Adam Blumer, and to the entire social studies department, for spearheading this important civics project.

We’ll publish several letters at a time. This week’s letter topics include a smack-down of property predators; the perils of Route 9 sidewalks; imagining a world in which WMS recess exists; the Affordable Homes Act; the benefits of Wellesley’s public transportation; and real, practical steps to help eliminate hunger.

How many Fridays are we going to encourage this display of civic involvement? For as many as it takes for the WMS Social Studies students to air their opinions.