Friday is letters-to-the-editor day on The Swellesley Report

The Swellesley Report accepts letters to the editor. Letters must be of general local community interest and must be signed. Community shout-outs are also accepted and encouraged. For example, a non-profit may thank an organization for a donation received.

A letter-writer this week says, “Wellesley should legalize single-family to multi-family conversions,” as a way to combat the high rate of teardown-rebuilds in town.

You can see all letters to the editor here.

How to submit your letter to the editor

The deadline is Wednesday at noon for letters to appear that week, or a week further out. Send letters to the editor to

Submitting a letter to the editor does not guarantee that your letter will be posted on The Swellesley Report.

Letters must be written for The Swellesley Report only—we do not accept form-type letters sent to multiple news agencies.

Please review detailed guidelines for letters to the editor here.

Please send tips, photos, ideas to

Wellesley Town Hall, summer
Wellesley Town Hall