How to take part in Wellesley Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion focus groups

Late last year the Town of Wellesley selected a consulting firm to conduct an equity audit funded through a $100K Annual Town Meeting appropriation. The firm, Racial Equity Group, is the same outfit that conducted a couple of  equity audit workshops for Wellesley in spring 2023.

Going forward town leaders, with help from Racial Equity Group, will host Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) focus group interviews as part of the equity audit as Wellesley seeks to become a more welcoming place.

888 Worcester Street, Wellesley
Town Hall’s temporary location at 888 Worcester Street, Wellesley

Sign up to take part in a virtual one-hour discussion and share your experiences as valued members of the community (students, residents, volunteers, professionals, business owners, visitors, and others).

Focus group interviews will take place on Monday, Sept. 23 through Wednesday, Sept. 25. Complete the poll to indicate your availability on meeting dates and times.

How focus group interviews work

  • Participation is voluntary and will take place virtually up to 60 minutes.
  • Participants will be interviewed in small groups of 5 – 8 people.
  • Participants will be asked a series of questions about their lived experiences in Wellesley.
  • Participants can choose to respond to all questions, or only questions they feel comfortable answering.
  • Racial Equity Group will prepare a summary report to inform the Town on patterns and themes that emerged from participant responses. The report will be de-identified and will not link to any individual who participates, to ensure confidentiality and protect anonymity.

Please email with questions, or to learn more about participating.

Racial Equity Group has conducted equity audits for other communities, including Brookline, where it launched the audit in March of 2021 and issued a report in June of that year.

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