September 11 Memorial Observance to be held at Wellesley fire department

Wellesley will hold a brief ceremony on Wednesday, September 11, at 9:45am, at Fire Department Headquarters (457 Worcester Street, westbound side), to honor and remember all who lost their lives on that tragic day.

All community members are invited to attend.

9/11 observances
Wellesley 9/11 observances, 2023

On the morning of September 11, 2001, 2,977 civilians and first responders, including four Wellesley residents, lost their lives during four coordinated terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda, an Islamist extremist group. Three hijacked airplanes hit their targets over a one-hour period. A fourth hijacked plane crashed in a field.

American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City at 8:46am. The tower, one of two buildings known as the Twin Towers, ultimately collapsed.

United Airlines Flight 175 hit the South Tower at 9:03am. The second of the attacked Twin Towers buildings also collapsed.

American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, the headquarters building of the US Department of Defense, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., at 9:37am.

It is believed that passengers of a fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93 stormed the cockpit. That plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, killing all on board at 10:03am. The intended target is thought to be the US Capitol building.

More here about September 11, 2001.