US Attorney’s office links gang to check thefts from Wellesley mailboxes

The Boston-based Universal Hub local news website dives into the affidavit from the US Attorney General’s investigation describing gang activity, including that involving theft of mail and washing of checks from Wellesley and other suburbs. Nine members and associates of one gang were charged with engaging in financial fraud as part of the investigation, per the US Attorney’s Office in late August.

Mail theft, and efforts to thwart such activity through mailbox upgrades and recommendations to the public to send sensitive items from inside post offices, have been documented in Swellesley over the past few years.

Universal Hub‘s Adam Gaffin plows through the affidavit to explain how the gang operated, from exploiting social media to eventually getting sloppy.

new wellesley mailbox on Washington Street near Weston Road intersection
New Wellesley mailbox on Washington Street near Weston Road intersection