Wellesley Athlete of the Week: Football’s Lukas Prock

Wellesley Athlete of the Week is made possible with sponsorship support from Deland, Gibson Insurance. The family-owned and operated business has carried on this Wellesley tradition for over 30 years.


Athlete of the Week: Lukas Prock


Lukas Prock

(Photo by Adam Richins Photography)


Sport: Football, quarterback (sophomore)

When & how you got involved in this sport: I’ve always played football from a young age, and QB from a young age.

What you love most about this sport: Brotherhood, and the friendship that I get out of this sport.

Pre-race ritual: I like to listen to music and be by myself.

Top goal for this season: To make a deep run in the playoffs.

Thoughts about this year’s team:  I think we have a really solid group of players this year, and we have lots of chemistry as a team.

An accomplishment that you’re especially proud of:  Being a sophomore that starts on varsity that is doing well.

An inspiring story related to your involvement in the sport/this team: I don’t have a story, but what inspires me is that many people say “You only have one shot at this” so I’m trying to do my best.

Interests outside of your sport: I like to ski, and I enjoy exotic natural features, like breathtaking scenes.

What other sports do you play, if any? Lacrosse

Anything else you’d like to mention: Go Raiders!

Coach Jesse Davis on Lukas Prock: Lukas has made a phenomenal transition to the starting role at quarterback and is playing at a high level. His work in the offseason was impressive with both his physical training and getting better at the position. What we have been most impressed with is his approach to self-improvement and leadership. Lukas accepts direct feedback, constantly looks for ways to get better, and is a student of the game. He does the work off the field with his film study and has a very high football IQ. Around his teammates he leads from the front and has good command and control of the offense. He works well with the younger players and elevates the level of play of those around him. 

(Athletes of the Week are nominated by their coaches.)

Deland, Gibson, Wellesley