Wellesley town government meetings for week of Nov. 18, 2024: Town Meeting sneak peek; Bullying prevention; Land conservation

sampling of Wellesley, Mass., meetings and agenda items for the week of Nov. 18, 2024. And yes, we’ve spelled out some of the inscrutable acronyms for you…!

See info on all upcoming town government meetings.


Board of Public Works (Nov. 18, online, 5pm)

Budgets; RDF administration building; DPW campus master plan; water conservation & drought status


Planning Board (Nov. 18, 6:30pm, online)

Discussion of rules and regulation change to Large House Review; Potential Annual Town Meeting articles (mobile homes, family units, revised floodplain maps, accessory dwelling units); Budget


Library Board of Trustees (Nov. 19, 7:15pm, main library’s Arnold room)

Budgets; Policies, including meeting rooms


School Committee (Nov. 19, 6:30pm, online)

Discussion: PK-Grade 5 School Improvement Plans; Discussion: Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan Annual Update; Vote: SY 2024-25 District/Superintendent Goals; Discussion: Selection Criteria for a Leadership Coach; Discussion: Academic Calendar Task Force Recommendations (note pushed to Dec. 10)


Select Board (Nov. 19, 6pm, Tolles Parsons Center & online)

Swearing in Ceremony – Deputy Chief Jeffrey Renzella; Open 2025 Annual Town Meeting Warrant & discuss possible articles; Discuss North 40 – Historic Recap; Discuss and Vote December Cultural Lighting Events


Advisory Committee (Nov. 20, 6:30pm, police station)

Facilities Management Department Overview; Housing Forum – Feedback/Update


Board of Health (Nov. 21, 9am, online)

Director and nurse reports


Council on Aging Board (Nov. 21, 4pm, Tolles Parsons Center)

Agenda to come


Natural Resources Commission (Nov. 21, 6:30pm, Wellesley Free Library)

Public Charrette: Land Conservation in Wellesley