Wellesley town government meetings for week of Dec. 2, 2024

sampling of Wellesley, Mass., meetings and agenda items for the week of Nov. 25, 2024.

See info on all upcoming town government meetings.


Planning Board (Dec. 2, 6:30pm, online)

Wellesley Housing Development Corp. Presentation on Affordable Housing Trust and Rezoning of 156 Weston Road; Housing Coordinator Position Discussion; Discussion of Potential Annual Town Meeting Warrant Articles, including Amending Definition of Family/Housekeeping Unit and Addressing Prohibition on Mobile Homes; ZBA case review


Trails Committee (Dec. 2, 7pm, Warren Building/90 Washington St.)

Spring walks planning; Town Forest slippery slope; Sudbury Path bog bridge; Gravel pit memorial


Select Board (Dec. 3, 6pm, online)

Tax Classification Public Hearing and Vote; Wellesley Housing Development Corporation Update; Discuss “Skip the Stuff” Presentation; Discuss and Vote Boston Marathon Invitational Entries; Discuss and Vote Revisions to Entertainment License


Design Review Board (Dec. 3, 6:30pm, online)

Minor construction: Van Leeuwen Ice Cream in Linden Square


Recreation Commission (Dec. 4, 6pm, online)

Community Investors presentation; Pickleball study final report; Morses Pond Project update; Recreation Commission FY26 operating and capital budgets


Advisory Committee (Dec. 4, 6:30pm, online)

Municipal Light Plant overview: Residential Incentive Overlay (RIO) Discussion with Planning


Natural Resources Commission (Dec. 5, 7pm, Police Station at 485 Washington St.)

Agenda to come.


Permanent Building Committee (Dec. 5, 7:30pm, online)

Agenda to come.


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