Wellesley holding public hearing on proposed building permit fee hikes
The Wellesley Select Board will hold an online public hearing during its regular 6pm meeting on Jan. 21 on proposed modifications to the Building, Plumbing/Gas, and Electric Permit Fees (this agenda item is expected to start around 6:15pm). A recording will be made available for later viewing.
The proposed modifications aim to update the fee schedule to reflect current costs associated with construction, permit processing, inspections, peer communities, and enforcement, according to the town. The proposal is for some fees, such as for residential new construction and additions/alterations, to be jacked up by 50% (no changes are proposed for commercial construction, were fees are competitive).
The last time comprehensive permit fee adjustments were made: 2007 for electrical fees; 2009 for plumbing and gas fees; 2011 for building and sheet metal permits. Wellesley won’t be lowering any fees, though some will remain lower than those of some other communities even with the increases here. Some fees are being shifted from flat to per $1,000 rates.
A copy of the proposed fee schedule is below and available for review at the Building Department during regular business hours and on the Town of Wellesley website.
According to Building Inspector Michael Grant, the changes to the fees were prompted by the town’s executive director asking for a review of permit fees in comparable communities, since it hadn’t been done for many years.
Public input is encouraged, and all interested parties are invited to attend and participate in the hearing. Comments may also be submitted in writing to the Select Board at sel@wellesleyma.gov.
For further information, please contact the Building Department at 781-431-1019 x 2228