Wellesley Cultural Council grant applicants will really need to be creative this time around

The Wellesley Cultural Council’s grant application process opens Oct. 1 for those who need funds to present “programs in the arts, humanities, or sciences for the cultural benefit of the people of Wellesley.” are encouraged to apply to the Wellesley Cultural Council for funding support. The deadline is Monday, Nov. 16, 2020.

The twist this year is that those applying will need to think of how to engage the public without necessarily bringing them together physically due to COVID-19 restrictions. More guidance on COVID-19 related considerations.

The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Mass Cultural Council, which allocates funds to community cultural programs like the Wellesley Cultural Council.

Fun fact: Mrs. Swellesley was a 2016 recipient of a Wellesley Cultural Council grant. I called my project “Wellesley Dump Art.”