Lady Godiva gallops into the Wellesley RDF Give and Take area

What’s the point of going to the RDF’s Give and Take area if you can’t have a little fun? When Wellesley resident Carolyn Faye Fox stops by, she never misses a chance to put together an interesting still life from the treasures that get dropped off.  “This one is called ‘Lady Godiva Barbie at the RDF,'” she said.

Wellesley dump art
Wellesley dump art by Carolyn Faye Fox, titled “Lady Godiva Barbie.”

As you may remember, in 1040 Lady Godiva beseeched her husband Earl Leofric to ease the tax burden on the people of Coventry, England. The Earl said he would do so if his wife rode naked on a horse through the center of town. She did just that, using her long hair as strategic coverage, although she needn’t have bothered with such modesty. In solidarity, the townspeople stayed indoors, refusing to gawk at the site of the great lady who had their back(sides?).

With property taxes coming due on Nov. 1,  clearly the townspeople of Wellesley need such a champion. I’d do it myself with a loaner steed from Hunnewell Farm, but my hair isn’t long enough. And I’m allergic to horses.

So who can take up the mantle of leadership, and save us from our quarterly tax burden? Interested parties are encouraged to apply for this gender-neutral position. The ideal candidate need only be bold and have long, flowing hair. A horse will be provided.