Wellesley North 40 vernal pool over the seasons

We make it over to the North 40 often because it’s a great local area for walking, and because we like to check in on the vernal pool. Sometimes the pool is dry as can be, sometimes it’s full of water and the cacaphony of spring peepers or bullfrogs. We’ve spotted herons looking for a meal, and wood ducks just stopping by. Right now the vernal pool looks like a verdant meadow and will stay that way until we get some good, soaking rains.

North 40 vernal pool, Wellesley. Fall2024
North 40 vernal pool, Wellesley. Sept. 12, 2024

Visitors can access the 400-foot vernal pool boardwalk from Turner Rd. (located off Weston Rd). A stonedust path from Turner Rd. leads to the accessible boardwalk that takes visitors to a lookout spot at the vernal pool,  and to the North 40. The boardwalk project was completed in 2019 and funded via Community Preservation Act monies from the Wellesley Community Preservation Committee. The work was overseen by the Wellesley Natural Resources Commission (NRC), and was built by volunteers including from Wellesley Conservation Council (now the Wellesley Conservation Land Trust).

More here on the history of the vernal pool boardwalk.

Below, a pic of a very nice baby snapping turtle found in the area.

Wellesley North 40, baby turtle
We found this baby snapping turtle on Sept. 12 and relocated him from the middle of Turner Road to a nearby shady spot at the edge of Morses Pond. Hopefully he’ll find his way to safety, but his situation is perilous. Right now the inch-long reptile is considered a tasty appetizer by many predators. Fish, great blue herons, crows, hawks, owls, raccoons, skunks, foxes, coyotes, fishers, bullfrogs, and snakes, all of which call the North 40 home, will scoop up a baby snapper in a heartbeat. Even other turtles will eat a baby snapper. The indignity of it all. According to the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, “Only about 5% of snapping turtle eggs hatch, and only about 1% of those hatchlings survive to reach reproductive age.”


North 40 trails walk
North 40 vernal pool, April 2024


Vernal pool boardwalk, Wellesley
North 40 vernal pool boardwalk, Wellesley. summer 2023


vernal pool boardwalk
North 40 vernal pool boardwalk spring 2021

Wellesley boardwalk
Wellesley Ecocampers make use of the vernal pool overlook. summer 2019


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