Not that anyone in Wellesley has any complaints about street safety, but…

The town of Wellesley is seeking public input to update its Complete Streets Prioritization Plan in an effort to identify and address safety concerns for those getting around town by any means.

The town needs to update its plan to qualify for state funds, as it has done in the past for projects like the Great Plain Avenue traffic circle redesign.

Complete Streets is an approach to planning, designing and building streets that provide safe access for all users of roadways, trails and transit systems. Projects can run the gamut from road reconstruction to tweaking intersections to signage regarding e-bikes and scooters.

Here are three ways you can get involved:

  • Share your experiences and roadway safety concerns (and read those of others) on an interactive map.
  • Take the Complete Streets survey by March 28 to help the town prioritize needs.
  • Attend a public discussion about Complete Streets on Monday, March 24 at 7p.m. in the Great Hall at Town Hall (525 Washington Street).

For more information, contact Wellesley Mobility Manager Sheila Page at

complete streets
Screenshot of interactive map where people have flagged concerns



More: Wellesley DPW sticking with Weston Road reconstruction plan

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