Wellesley Select Board bids farewell to Lise Olney

With Lise Olney wrapping up six years on the Wellesley Select Board as of this Tuesday’s Election Day, her fellow board members ended their four-hour Feb. 25 meeting with a series of tributes (see Wellesley Media recording a bit after the 3.5-hour mark).


The two-term Select Board member was praised for her teamwork during the COVID-19 pandemic, her leadership as chair and vice-chair, and her legendary editing skills. Olney’s relentless climate action advocacy during and prior to being on the Board, her various efforts on the DEI front, and her support for alcohol license changes were cited, as well as her work on the town’s Civil Discourse Initiative.

Current Board Chair Colette Aufranc pointed to Olney’s efforts not only on the Board and its various subcommittees, but regionally.

Board member Tom Ulfelder reflected on how he and Olney “are so different in many ways, and yet we found such significant common ground so many times.”

The Massachusetts House and Senate issued citations recognizing Olney’s accomplishments.

The outgoing Select Board member described her years working with town employees and Board colleagues as “a true privilege” as well as an adventure and great learning experience. Though Olney also said she has other things she wants to do. “I do feel like I came in one person and I am certainly coming out another…,” she said.

Olney announced in November that she would not be seeking re-election. Three candidates are vying to win what will be her former seat on March 4.


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