Wellesley Public Art Committee thankful for painted electrical boxes

Thanks for the Art!

Thank you to artists Julia Blake, Mia Cross, Deborah Friedman and Jenny Schneider for transforming three of our Town’s Electrical Boxes into inspiring works of art. We thank them for their skill, enthusiasm and dedication, especially the willingness to work on location during a pandemic.

Julia Blake’s “Poppies & Dots” symbolize renewal, hope and new life, and represents good ideas coming from collaboration. Mia Cross’s “Color Study” explores the beauty of color, and pushing color relationships. “Metamorphosis” by Deborah Friedman and Jennifer Schneider, showcases the life cycle of the Monarch to raise awareness about this delicate endangered Butterfly.

We are so grateful to the Community Fund for Wellesley/Al Robinson Fund and the Wellesley Local Cultural Council for their generous support for the project, and for the vision of the Wellesley Police Dept. and support of the Board of Selectmen.

A new Call for Artists will be released over the next month for three additional boxes throughout Town. For information contact Chief Jack Pilecki 781-235-0062 or wellesleycap@gmail.com

Thank you again to our amazing artists and supporters, and to our entire community for engagement and feedback.


Alexander Golob, Susan Morris, Annie Newman, Jack Pilecki, Laura Robert and Julie
Vari-Nikolewski for Wellesley Public Art Committee

More: Wellesley painted electrical boxes—the whole collection

