Wellesley town government meetings for the week of May 13, 2024

Wellesley, Mass., meetings and agenda items for the week of May 13, 2024:

Board of Public Works (May 13, 5pm, online)

Public hearing on proposed water & sewer rate changes, plus the new stormwater fee effective July 1; Pickleball study review with Rec Commission; PFAS update

Historical Commission (May 13, 7pm, online)

Preservation determinations; Discuss Citizen’s Petition to Extend Demolition Delay

Municipal Light Plant Solar Selection Committee (May 14, 1pm, online)

Review proposal applications for Town of Wellesley and the Wellesley Municipal Light Plant (WMLP) Leases of Real Property for Installation of Multiple Rooftop Solar PV Systems and Solar Power Purchase

School Committee (May 14, 6:30pm, online)

Vote: Job Descriptions; Vote: Staff Appointments; Vote: Hunnewell Field Team Rooms; Discussion: Air Conditioning in school buildings; Vote: Appoint Liaison to Hunnewell & Hardy projects

Council on Aging Board (May 16, 4pm)

Wetlands Protection Committee (May 16, 6:30pm, online)

Morses Pond Beach Advisory Committee (May 17, 1:30pm, Wellesley Police station, 485 Washington St.)


See info on all upcoming town government meetings.

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