Late summer spin through Wellesley community gardens pays off

Given that even we have had some vegetable gardening success this summer, I figured the bounty at the Weston Road Community Gardens must be really impressive. Indeed, it is.

Weston Road Community Garden birds
My squash & basil

I took a spin through on Labor Day, and several gardeners were on hand tidying up and collecting their latest treasures. Friends I ran across even gave me a bouquet of basil and a sizable butternut squash to bring home.

Some gardens appeared to have overwhelmed their caretakers, making it hard to tell what were weeds and what weren’t. Many others were kept neat with flourishes of color provided by flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

Birds and butterflies fluttered through and found favorite perches, while a wasp chased one gardener in and out of her plot. Her golden retrievers seemed unfazed.

Fall crops like pumpkins were already on display in some fenced off areas, and more are surely to come as the weather cools and autumn hits in a few weeks.

Learn more about Wellesley’s community gardens (the other is on Brookside Road on the other end of town). Both gardens have waitlists for plots.

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Weston Road Community Garden birds

Weston Road Community Garden birds

Weston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birds

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Weston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birdsWeston Road Community Garden birds