Wellesley town government meetings for week of Sept. 9: Pickleball update; e-bikes on trails; Special Town Meeting prep

A sampling of Wellesley, Mass., meetings and agenda items for the week of Sept. 9, 2024.


Board of Public Works (Sept. 9, 5pm, online)

Fuel depot reconstruction; pickleball update; FY26 budget; Morses Pond access road gate


Planning Board (Sept. 9, 6:30pm, online)

Large house reviews; Zoning Board of Appeals case review


Trails Committee (Sept. 9, 7pm, Warren Building and online)

Fall guided walks and kids trails day; e-bikes on trails; John Schuler memorial


Select Board (Sept. 10, 6pm, Tolles Parsons Center at 500 Washington St. and online)

Executive session (behind closed doors) on deployment of security devices, or strategies with respect thereto to cybersecurity; Discuss 40/50/60 Series Cost of Living Adjustments and Merit Pay Plan for FY26; Special Town Meeting prep


Advisory Committee (Sept. 11, 6:30pm, online)

Special Town Meeting articles on Linden Square agreement, DPW project, community preservation committee fund appropriation


Academic Calendar Task Force (School Committee) (Sept. 12, 7pm)


See info on all upcoming town government meetings.

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