Wellesley School Committee touts outgoing member Craig Mack for attention to the student voice
Anyone who considers running for a School Committee seat in Wellesley is warned that serving on the elected town body is a full-time job. The fact that outgoing member Craig Mack served on the Committee for the past three years while holding down a full-time position in higher education was emphasized during tributes to him from former and current committee members at the Feb. 25 School Committee meeting (see Wellesley Media recording at about 2-hour, 13-minute mark).
Mack served during a period, emerging from COVID-19 pandemic, when one sensitive issue after another was in front of the body. This included contract negotiations, budgets, a new strategic plan, the opening of new schools and closing of another, big changes to the academic calendar, and discussion around air conditioning needs.

Former School Committee member Leda Eizenberg congratulated Mack on his return to being “a normie” after the many hours spent working on the Committee. “One of your most notable qualities was really centering students in everything we did. You were often the first to call on our student members…” Student Rep Evelyn Harrison echoed that sentiment.
Wellesley Public Schools Supt. David Lussier pointed to the “exceptional commitment” that goes beyond the regular School Committee meetings. In Mack’s case, this involved union negotiations and serving as a Permanent Building Committee liaison regarding the new schools.
Current and past members complimented Mack for being a great sounding board and for helping to onboard them to the Committee.
Mack, the father of four daughters who attend or attended Wellesley Public Schools, thanked his current and former colleagues, his supporters, as well as those who have challenged him over the past few years. Mack encouraged all parents and caregivers to continue engaging with the School Committee and school system. He also acknowledged taking part in “more meetings than I ever imagined would be part of this role.”
Mack concluded: “Looking ahead, as education systems are coming under scrutiny, I hope that we remain committed to the values that are rooted in a strong education system. Our students are entitled to a school environment in which they can thrive and realize their potential for success, an environment where they’re free to express themselves, where they are accepted, and where they are valued, and I’m proud that Wellesley schools is committed to serving all members of our community in this way…”
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