Chanukah celebration shines light at Wellesley Town Hall

Chanukah celebrants shrugged off the rain and gathered in front of Town Hall late Sunday afternoon for an event that featured blessings, singing, guest Menorah lighters, a choreographed fire performer, and jelly donuts.

Two Menorah Mobiles lined the sidewalk on Washington Street in addition to a Wellesley Fire Department engine prepped for the gelt drop that sent kids scrambling for treasures.

Those from both Wellesley Weston Chabad and Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley took part in the lighting ceremony. Wellesley Weston Chabad Rabbi Moshe Bleich spoke of the need to shine light in the center of town being more important than ever, and leading the crowd in a recitation that “A little light expels a lot of darkness.”

Bleich invited Select Board members, fire and police department members, temple and chabad personnel and resident Rachel Laufer (who he thanked for her efforts to get the Menorah displayed on the Town Hall lawn) to light the Menorah.

If you missed the event, you can get another chance on Dec. 12 at Weston Town Hall at 5:30pm. Also, more photos on the Chabad Facebook page.

Menorah lighting town hall
The Menorah—and sweaters—were lit to celebrate Chanukah


Firefighters light menorah
Wellesley firefighters light the Menorah with Wellesley Free Library in the background


Menorah lighting Tom Ulfelder
Select Board member Tom Ulfelder got the lighting started

Rabbi Joel Sisenwine of Temple Beth Elohim lighting the Menorah

Menorah lighting
Fire Performer, Katie Morrissey, aka Katastrophi, got the crowd warmed up

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