There’s a newish blog in town called Manners for Modern Mothers that describes itself as “an opinionated guide to gracefully navigating motherhood.”
The bloggers — Wellesley’s Elizabeth Baxter Butcher and Chestnut Hill’s Elizabeth Hammond Pyle (with tech and design stylings of Wellesley’s Amy Fuller Boyd) — write about everything from the politics of play date reciprocity to the finer points of not rubbing your school auction winnings in the faces of other parents. Some posts seem particularly geared toward those feeling trapped in Wellesley’s gilded cages.
Other topics include conversing with the childless as well as how to avoid getting suckered into buying everything organic, and yes, even the touchy topic of Spandex:
“Spandex: What a wonderful invention! Yet, under no circumstances should any mother expose her spandex covered bottom to the world at the grocery store, library or school pick up.”
Elizabeth Butcher, who claims to have the “most well mannered mother in the history of the world,” says she and her cohort have been blogging since November but have only recently wrapped up a redesign that makes the website presentable to those beyond family and close friends (They’ve also got a Facebook page).
“We believe our content is a fresh take on some pretty classic issues and plan to target family/female/parenting media (online & print) in the hopes they will be interested in featuring our content. Our overarching mission is to help mothers navigate these hectic modern times with grace, humor and good manners,” she says.
Butcher, whose background outside of raising two kids is in finance, jokes that an IPO might be in the offing next year.
Meanwhile, we’re thinking moms and dads will both get a kick out of the blog.