UPDATE: 12/13/16: Latest reports on post-election Wellesley College-Babson controversy focus on hearsay
UPDATE, 11/11/16:
A Babson College 2015 alum has written a letter to Babson College President Kerry Healey and the Babson Board of Trustees calling for the immediate expulsion of the two Babson College students who drove a pick-up truck around the Wellesley College campus the day after the election, waving a Trump flag. He has started an online petition seeking support for his demand. So far over 1,200 have signed the petition.
In his letter he notes that one of the students is a relation to a donor whose name graces one of the campus buildings.
Here’s our original post on the matter:
![Town of Wellesley police next to the pickup truck driven through Wellesley College by two Babson students.](https://media.theswellesleyreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/13025852/14976762_10210780768812955_4910474941088803587_o.jpg)
We posted earlier this week about a couple of obnoxious Babson students who reportedly drove a pick-up truck around the Wellesley College campus the day after the election, waving a Trump flag, and were asked to leave the campus. A public Facebook post about the incident has been shared more than 5,000 times, and The Boston Globe has picked up the story as well.
Since the incident the students have been kicked out of their fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and both students (or their PR reps…) have issued apologies on their Facebook pages here and here in which they deny spitting at anyone or using any slurs or curses. Sig Ep national says it considers the incident a blow to its aspirations for diversity and inclusion. The organization has, in fact, taken serious steps in the past when its membership has exhibited behavior that suggests an essential corruptness among the brotherhood.
Wellesley College President Dr. Paula Johnson commented on the incident in a letter to the college saying “This community’s well-being—and all that word encompasses—is foremost on my mind right now. Let me assure you of that…I’ve asked Chief Barbin to update me regularly as she continues to collect the facts, and I have full confidence in her and in the investigation.”
In his letter to Babson students, Lawrence P. Ward, the vice president of student affairs at Babson, said his school is working with Wellesley College public safety officials on the matter. The two male students could face discipline under the student code of conduct.
In a statement released Thursday, Babson College President Kerry Healey denounced the students’ actions: “As a community that both values and stands for civility, respect, diversity and inclusiveness, the behavior we are learning about is of serious concern,’’ Healey said. “It is not in keeping with the high standards to which we hold ourselves as members of the Babson community and certainly is in no way a reflection of the integrity of Babson students, generally.’’
At least there’s always Platform 9 3/4 if Wellesley College students ever feel like they have just got to get out of here. But the smart money says the Hermiones of this world will never be pushed off their own campus by invading Malfoys, no matter how e.nticing the world of Hogwarts and Diagon Alley sounds right about now.
Wow, there is a lot of tension here. Full disclosure, I’m a Wellesley alumna, class of ’92, and am completely disgusted by the actions of the Babson students. It’s both clear to me that they should be expelled AND that they will NOT be expelled as there is considerable money and patronage involved. That being said, it was heartening to see some Babson students joining the large protest rally yesterday, in solidarity with the Wellesley faculty, students, alumnae and townies who came out against hate, discrimination, sexism and antagonism. I think it’s worth noting that we are organizing several groups in town to try to understand the momentum that brought Trump into power. What are we not seeing? What can others contribute to this conversation? And how can we move forward? I invite you to take a look at my site, http://www.localprogressive.org and post in the forum if you’d like to engage in a conversation, or reach out to me if you’d like to join our town groups. There are many important kitchen table discussions happening now.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Stupid the students were…………probably happy at the turn of the election [I’m not], and perhaps drunk or high?
Babson Students, and i was one, have always had a relationship with local all women schools. So, its natural that they went to the nearest. Slur words? Bad. Making people feel worse because of who they are, or who they are trying to become, is terrible because they are on a tough journey.
But, these students need a course in manners, and sensitivity training. NOT EXPULSION for stupidity.
All I have to say to both the boys and girls, Men and women who attend 2 of the finest schools in our country.
The next presidential election will be in the year 2020.
If you don’t like the way the President has run the country between now and then.
It is your American right to vote someone else in as President.
Otherwise, the country has spoken, like it or not, and the 45 President will be President Trump
Less that 25% of the country has spoken. More than half of the popular vote went to Hillary. The electoral college seats count is all that has spoken.
Hillary did NOT get half the vote cast. Over 52% of voters did NOT choose Hillary. That certainly means something. And anybody who didn’t vote gave up the right to complain. Just sayin’
The Trump supporters on this article act like they don’t know what the difference between free speech and hostile intimidation is.
They are either dopey as they come, complete liars, or both. Rather like their President Elect.
Well said. Unfortunately this is just the beginning of a long four years. Anyone who thinks that driving through a private campus shouting, swearing and spitting is okay frightens me.
The President-elect belittles and demeans people based on their sex, religion or skin color.
Donald Trump is the role model from hell.
And people in other places vandalizing public and private property scare me. Neither side is behaving appropriately . So before vilifying one side check the other. No one is more right or less right than the other when they are ALL wrong. Expelling them would be wrong while allowing the other side to face no consequences. Equal rules equal enforcement
Well, the truth could very well be that the ‘victims’ are following Hillary’s lead and lying out their arse. The Clinton’s are masters at that skill. With everyone and their dog having recording machines practically glued to their hands these days, I don’t get how this wasn’t caught on tape? In addition, aren’t there security cameras all over the place? Further evidence might be checking the safe room logs. I’m sure there were snowflakes already holed up petting the puppies hairless but the question is did anyone “check in” shortly after this incident took place? Bueller? Bueller?
To date there have been at least 12 hate hoaxes exposed since President-Elect Donald Trump won the election and Hillary Clinton lost the election. I’m now automatically calling it hoax until proven guilty (hmm, sounds eerily similar to the rule of law).
Given the responses here of grown-ups–some of whom are no doubt parents– excusing this obnoxious and threatening behavior on the part of these “snowflake” boys (grown-up “men” don’t act like this), who were apparently raised in a barn, is it any wonder that this kind of behavior is happening? People who raise their sons to be entitled, arrogant, racist, and misogynist d*ckwads are the responsible ones here. Own it.
Two standards in this country, which
is why we’ve just elected Donald Trump our next President – breathtaking, really!
Many great Americans have been heard – including 53% of women – enough, enough of liberal imperialism!
My hope is that President-elect Trump can take on the liberal media and undo years of nonsensical political correctness, while he’s ratcheting back 2000 regulations his predecessor rammed down our throats. Really, President Johnson, you needed to call the authorities because a couple of young men were excited that their candidate won fair and square – really?…
As Al Pacino said (something like), you’re already ‘building a ship of sea-going minnows’. Bad start for you at Wellesley, but hopefully a good step for our nation. Less time creating safety zones and more time improving a curriculum in ethics will serve your school well – you’d have your first female President if HRC had an approval rating in trustworthiness above the Mendoza line….
I mean seriously, she couldn’t defeat Donald Trump! Wow!
The reason you gripe that there are safety zones and regulations is that you’re just pissed you can’t give those Americans ya don’t like a good head-smashing whenever they get too uppity, with no consequences.
It’s pretty transparent, pal. Start working on the design for your armbands.
Matt … you just proved how correct Dave’s comment was!!
Dave, I get it you’re angry even though I’m sure you’re probably doing pretty good. My question is: do you find the behavior of these guys acceptable or not? Nobody gives a shit about your tyraid. Take a position on the issue at hand if you have the guts to do it.
This is not about who won the election but about young adaults who have no idea how to behave
I think it was in poor taste to use the term Boys in the headline, personally.
Where is the article about the “girls” protesting the Trump presidency? They are blocking roads and preventing emergency vehicles access.
Where is the article about the offensive anti Trump signs around town “My cat is smarter than Trump” and “GOODBYE DONALD?” It’s one thing for college kids to act immaturely, but adults should know better.
When I attended Babson decades ago, Wellesley students would not date Babson men (boys?) calling them ‘culturally barren’. So nothing is new.
Charlie B
Babson, the flyover states, vs. Wellesley, the coastal elite.
And the male students actions differ from the “protests” displayed in our large cities how? These two students must be members of the “Deplorables” .
Choosing to use the words “boys” and “women” in this article is poor journalism. Although I find their actions to be obnoxious, calling them “boys” is inappropriate. And I would hope that the strong “women” at Wellesley will stop publicly whining that they are frightened when men invade their campus — whether they are a scantily-clad statue of a sleepwalking man or childishly gloating men driving through campus waving flags expressing their opinions. Grow up Wellesley women and show your strength.
Typical liberal attitudes – referring to the men as “boys” and being threatened by anyone who has a differing opinion than you. Bet if someone was waving Clinton banners in a conservative Texas town, you’d refer to them as “courageous”.
Grow up. I know it’s difficult when someone says something you deem offensive in your “safe space”, but you need to learn to act like adults.
“Courageous” would be waving a flag saying “Trump” in the Village of NYC. Not in a conservative safe place like Texas. Wellesley College is Hillary’s alma mater in case you don’t know this. Which only adds to the lack of respect for the women there who knew and love her. Celebrating in downtown Wellesley is one thing, but deliberate disrespect at a private college is another.
It seems like these kids just wanted to rub it in some loser’s faces and knew exactly where to find them.
If what the kid said was true then he did nothing wrong.
I’d only give them a yellowcard for unsportsmanlike.
Asking for a red card is way too much.
Moly, the thing is, nobody did drive through a conservative Texas town, so your argument is not only mute but also straight up stupid. These “boys” drove around the campus with the purpose of acting like douche bags and insulting individuals with racial slurs. YOU”RE comment is just as bad as what these guys did. Anyone who is on the receiving end of racial/sexual/whatever shouldn’t have to just suck it up. You sound like an idiot…probably are.
Hard to believe Tom is intelligent. He spells “mute” when it should be “moot.” Then he uses “you’re” when your was intended. If Wellesley is supposed to be so intellectually superior to all other institutions, at least spell correctly.
I suppose you’d be fine with these mature ~men~ spitting on you.
They spat at us and used sexist and racist slurs. Moreover, these comments were made in front of Harambee House, a house for students of African-American decent (and they knew this), while the president of our college (who it a black woman) and public relations were present.
This behavior in unacceptable. Would you defend someone so quickly if they spat on you? You’re daughter? Your mother? Wouldn’t you be just a “bit” scared to wonder that if this was how people behave 1 day after the results then the next 4 years would be worse? This election, more than anything else, made it ok for this kind of behaviour to take place. As women, we know that this kind of behaviour can easily embolden men like this into doing things that affect our personal safety. So yes, we have a right to our safe space, especially since our college is PRIVATE PROPERTY. That’s why criminal charges are being discussed.
Also, this is NOT the first time Babson *boys* (as the ones who do this are childish and immature) have harassed Wellesley College students.
What did they say? I keep reading these articles about the incident and so far haven’t found any specifics other than “Make America great again.” Were they just being obnoxious, or did they actually threaten people? What words were they using?
I’d say it is the frat brats that need to act like adults. Oh, and honey? Having a different opinion doesn’t mean harrassing people – & these morons were out there HARRASSING people.
One would think that the strong women of Wellesley could manage through this without getting authorities involved. Beeping the horn and celebrating the next president should not be deemed “offensive” or used an example of a lack of diversity. I doubt if the same occurred with a “Hillary” sign that the police would be called. In fact, would not a Trump sign on Wellesley College’s campus make it MORE diverse rather than less so?
It’s a lot more threatening when they’re waving the flag with the name of someone who brags about how he gets to grope women.
Yes, hate and spitting is just celebrating a win. BS.
They could have stayed at babson, no?
I hope you’re actually more intelligent than your dopey comments.
Trump as a BRAND represents misogyny and racism. So when you wave that BRAND around you are inciting hatred. Why would BOYS wave a Trump flag that has come to mean white supremacy and threat of sexual assault on an All WOMEN college. You damn well why they did it. Create FEAR.
I hope Babson steps up with some disciplinary action, if it wants to maintain its dignity as a college. This behavior was outrageous and possibly a criminal civil rights violation. I would also like to see their names published.
Oh please – don’t be ridiculous
Ok. Should we wait for them to bring guns and flash those? Or wait until someone is killed?
Their names are found in the links. Easy. Their cellphones and email addresses too.
And yes, kerry healey should step up and toss em out.
This black pick-up truck, or a similar one, was waving its flags and drove through Harvard Square on Wednesday November 9, around 4 PM. I made eye contact with the driver. I thought he looked menacing.
Why were the same concerns and actions not taken against the students and faculty who organized a BLM walkout???? How can a person be penalized for celebrating the victory of their President Elect Donald Trump? If this woman was offended by the flag then maybe she has deeper issues bothering her. She needs to get over it because he IS the President so will she complain every time she seems something about him.
I had the same thought when I read this headline. You should say “students” or else “male students” and “female students”. The use of the word “boys” seems to excuse it as “boys will be boys”, which it is not. The behavior is not “childish”; it is bullying. Most children do not behave like this.
Thank you for your input on this, Mary.
Actually calling the students with the flag boys compared to the women at Wellesley is a put down to the students with the flag
Any reason that the Babson students are referred to as “boys” but the Wellesley students are referred to as “women?” These students are the same age, these are men who made cognizant, terrible decisions and should be treated as such.
Thanks for your thoughts, Nic. It was an observation on the childish behavior of the men. We agree that they made cognizant, terrible decisions, and it appears that the Babson College administration, Wellesley College, the Wellesley police, and the national chapter of their fraternity is treating these decisions as such.