Wellesley freshened up its zoning map in December, and it’s a good idea to take a peek at it just so that you’re aware of the rules for you and your surrounding area. You don’t want to be surprised when that pool hall opens next door.
Copies of this map, along with the zoning bylaws, are also available through the Town Clerk’s office. Educational, parks/recreation and large-scale solar districts have been fleshed out in the latest changes. You can also read rules applying to everything from antennas to neon signs to retaining walls.
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The zoning map and bylaws can give you a sense for where possible growth could occur in town, and make for complementary reading alongside Wellesley’s Housing Production Plan.
One thing we noticed didn’t make it into the zoning map or bylaws: The No B.S. Zone over at the Weston Road Community Gardens.
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