The town of Wellesley has announced that applications are now being accepted for an affordable housing condo at the old fire station on Walnut St.
This is a short-term lottery for a 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath condo located at 182 Walnut Street, #2. The $254,000 property is offered under the 40B statute by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and the Town of Wellesley.
An open house is scheduled for Saturday, May 11 from 12-2pm.
All interested applicants must review the affordable housing lottery information and complete the housing application in full, and provide all relevant documents.
The deadline to apply is Friday, May 17, 2019 at 5 p.m.
Applications must be submitted by mail (postmarked no later than 5/17/19) or by personal delivery only to: Omega Ventures, 55 Loring Street, Westwood, MA 02090. No online applications will be accepted.