On March 17, 2020, I achieved the dubious distinction of being the last civilian to do in-person business in Town Hall, pre-COVID style—by walking through the doors unannounced and proceeding to the proper office. Errand concluded, I made my way toward the exit, an employee following me down the hall at a distance with a sign in one hand and blue painter’s tape in the other. I tried not to let the door hit me on the ass on my way out. As the sign was affixed to the door, I learned my status was now officially that of “Unauthorized Personnel,” Day 1.
I, along with the rest of Wellesley, would hold that title for 15 months.

Welcome back
With 54% of Wellesley’s population fully vaccinated against COVID-19 according to weekly data released by the state, the Town has flung open the double doors of Town Hall to all comers, as well as the doors of all other public buildings, starting Tuesday June 1. More details here.
Wellesley does not have a local mask order but is recommending that non-vaccinated individuals continue to wear masks when inside Town buildings.
In addition, in-person meetings will resume on June 15, pending any decisions by the Governor to continue remote or hybrid meetings through Sept. 1.
Things are going swimmingly
Morses Pond will be open for the summer June 8 – August 15. Wellesley Recreation is working with the Wellesley Board of Health and says that this summer will look similar to when the beach opened last summer, with some modifications.

Beach hours are 9:30am-dusk, and the beach is restricted to Wellesley residents. Users must pre-register with the Recreation Department and present proof of registration to enter. The first day to register is June 7, 9am. Residents must reserve their day at the beach online, and there is a limit of 10 beach tickets per family. Pond entry is free. Go to www.wellesleyrec.org
Capacity for the beach will be capped at 400 people to start off. There will be no blanket spots this summer.
There will be no lifeguards and no dock system.
Park rangers will be on hand to open and close the beach, and will be located in areas throughout the Morses Pond facility.