We remember what it was like to be a newbie in town. So we’ve started a semi-regular column designed to help Wellesley’s new blood navigate daily life here.
Wellesley is a town that runs on volunteers. The 240 elected members of Town Meeting vote on Wellesley’s budget, zoning, bylaws, and and other business on the first Tuesday of March every year. The five-member Select Board, also an elected body, is responsible for all matters that affect the interests of the Wellesley. And there are a couple dozen boards and committees in charge of everything from Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend, to historical initiatives, to wetlands protection.

Boards and committees that may need your enthusiasm and skill
- Advisory Committee
- Assessors Board
- Audit Committee
- Community Preservation Committee
Some of the above are appointed standing committees. Some are appointed special committees. Some are elected boards and officials.
To get your can-do spirit on the radar of those who make appointments, fill out the Town of Wellesley volunteer form.
In addition, there are multiple ways to volunteer through Wellesley’s public schools, as well as dozens of charitable and community action groups.
So dive right in. Wellesley needs you.
- Wellesley newcomers: Let us know what you want to know at theswellesleyreport@gmail.com
- Consider volunteering to support our independent journalism venture