The Wellesley High School Drama Society will kick off February with four productions of “Mean Girls (High School Version) in what it promises will be “a toe-tapping, pink-filled extravaganza that brings the iconic characters of North Shore High School to life on stage.”
Join Cady Heron as she navigates the treacherous jungle of teenage girl politics, led by the glamorous and infamous Plastics—Regina George, Gretchen Wieners, and Karen Smith.
Performances will be on Feb. 1 at 4:30pm, Feb. 2 at 7 pm, and Feb. 3 at 2:30 and 7 pm.
Tickets will be available online via the Wellesley Public Schools WebTrac system on Jan. 17. The shows may sell out in advance, but remaining tickets will be available to purchase at the door: $10 students, seniors, and veterans; $20 for the general public. Tickets at the door can only be purchased with cash or check (no credit card or Venmo).
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