From Adam Blumer, Social Studies Department Head for Wellesley Middle School:
Across the state, all 8th graders take part in Action Civics Projects, where student groups pick an issue they want to work on at the school, local, or state level and develop strategies to try to make change happen. As part of this, we teach students how to create simple surveys to get data on how people feel about their topic and their possible goals/strategies for change. While this is still very much a developing skill, students benefit from getting rich data from an authentic audience to help shape their ultimate proposals at our Civics Fair.
With this in mind, please consider helping out our 8th graders with their Civics Action Projects! If you want to fill out any (or all!) of these surveys, please do so by Wednesday, March 27th. Thank you! If you have any questions about the surveys or the Civics Action Project, please contact Adam Blumer, WMS Social Studies Department Head, at