A sampling of Wellesley, Mass., meetings and agenda items for the week of June 17, 2024:
Youth Commission Board (June 17, 4pm, online)
2024 YC Summer programming update; Budget review
Planning Board (June 17, 6:30pm, online)
Large House Reviews; Discuss Method to Calculate Affordability Levels in Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw
School Committee (June 18, 6:30pm, online)
Introduce new Administrators (HR, Technology); Vote: Updated Attendance Procedures 2023-24; Nursing Activities Report; SWAC Report; Annual Food Service Report; Discussion: Job Description; Discussion/Vote: Mulcahy Farm Plaque; Vote: Decarbonization Road Map
Council on Aging Board Kitchen Subcomnittee (June 18, 7pm, online)
Update on Status of Project; Report on Ongoing Research by Subcommittee, Other COA facilities and food programs, Function input from chefs, Code and licensing requirements
Aan overview of the town’s current housing situation and a chance or the public to provide input on the strategic plan. The plan is a sort of follow-on to Wellesley’s Housing Production Plan,which was approved in 2018 and intended to guide the town for five years. Hosted by the Wellesley Housing Task Force and the town’s outside consultant on this project
Select Board retreat (June 20, 9:30am, DPW Training Room, 20 Municipal Way)
Discuss FY25 Calendar; Discuss Liaison Role and Form of Updates; Liaison Assignments; Discuss Arts and Culture Community Initiatives; Discuss FY25 Work Plan; Discuss and Vote Letter to Town Meeting Members on Recording of Meetings Regulations
See info on all upcoming town government meetings.