The Wellesley High School Council has a vacancy for its Community Representative. The Council effectively serves as the “legislative body” for the High School, by reviewing and approving most amendments to the High School’s Student Handbook. (The Handbook contains many important policies around grading, absences, and a host of other topics.) The Council also provides the WHS Principal with input on topics of interest. The Council includes representatives from the faculty, students, parents and the community. The Community Representative serves an important role in helping the Council understand how the High School is impacting the broader community, and what the community would like to see, as the High School proceeds to educate Wellesley’s students. The Community Representative also provides an additional opportunity for the community to hear what the Council discusses, and gathers input from community members, on an informal basis. The Council meets once per month, so the related workload is not heavy for the Community Representative. No prior experience is required—only a desire to contribute to productive discussions and receive feedback from our fellow Wellesley residents. If you are interested in applying, please submit a brief statement of interest (a paragraph is fine) to John Malone at WHS –