The Wellesley Celebration Committee, a Select Board subcommittee, not only is readying for Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend this May but already has a theme selected for 2026’s big event.
This was among the information shared by the Committee’s Carl Nelson this week during a Select Board briefing (see Wellesley Media recording of March 25 meeting).
This year’s theme for Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend, May 17-18, is the 250th Anniversary of the U.S. Army, Navy and Marines. Next year: The country’s 250th birthday—that’s a big one.
“Throughout America there will be many celebrations and we plan to make Wellesley’s one of the best ones in the nation,” Nelson said.
It should help that the town is budgeting $20,000 for the committee in FY26, up from $5K in FY25. Nelson described the Committee as an example of a successful public-private partnership.
The Committee, Nelson said, focuses on safety, service, and sustainability in all it does. The group is largely known for its organization of the annual Veterans Parade, now in its 57th year, but Nelson stressed that the Committee honors all who serve the town, and that includes teachers, public safety workers, and others. This also includes families in town with new members of the military.

This year’s Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend will continue a tradition of a picnic, parade, and fireworks, and more than two dozen activities overall. Nelson noted that the Committee works with schools and other organizations like the Historical Society to ensure they have the trailers and other assets needed to enter floats in the parade or to create displays. The Wellesley Theatre Project and Town Band will also have their chances to shine during the weekend. The Committee is working with the town’s climate action team to promote re-use and recycling at the event, too.
Select Board Chair Colette Aufranc said that the town has been discussing ways to have additional celebrations that will attract even more community members. The results of the recent Equity Audit bolstered this idea, and Select Board member Marjorie Freiman said further discussion will take place in the spring or later this year involving numerous groups. As the town looks at revising its Wellesley Square streetscape, town leaders have raised the possibility of displaying decorations beyond those that light up the town during winter.
More Select Board doings:
- The Board approved use of funds from a larger donation by Richard Campana for the annual St. Patrick’s Day Lunch now held in Campana’s name at the senior center.
- Traffic engineers assured Board members that a planned 34-unit multifamily development at 192-194 Worcester St., and the resident/visitor/delivery/maintenance/staff vehicles that will come along with it, will have little impact on local traffic. The engineer hired by the developer called it “a relatively low impact development,” as he cited census data and pointed to traffic dispersement in explaining why this would be so. The developer has said that the site should be less busy than it once was when commercial enterprises operated there. Some Board members questioned how the introduction of dozens of vehicles associated with the residential development won’t worsen bad traffic in the area, such as near the Fiske Elementary School. Board member Kenny Largess also asked about where people will park if the 10 visitor spaces are filled, and was basically told that the situation would sort itself out in a “self-limiting” fashion. Twenty more multifamily units are coming online a few miles west on the same side of Rte. 9 at the Highland Park project. The Board voted 3-2 to approve the traffic impact assessment from the developer’s engineer as being professionally prepared and make a recommendation to the Planning Board as part of its project review.
- The police and fire chiefs shared public safety updates.
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