Someday we should make a list of all the “TOP!” lists Wellesley is on, between the town, public schools, and colleges. We must get emailed about Wellesley being on some list or other just about every week. For the most part, we ignore this clickbait.
The latest list getting a some buzz around here, though, is Boston Magazine‘s Top Places to Live in Greater Boston, which puts Wellesley at #2 behind Cambridge. Weirdly, the article uses the exact same pretty image of the clock in Wellesley Square that is used in a Forbes list of “the richest places in Massachusetts” based on Census data. Apparently there aren’t a wealth of photos to choose from…
Boston Magazine makes its findings seem super scientific (“rigorously researched”) by citing its partnership with some data crunching firm. It ranks the communities based on stuff like Entertainment (alcohol licenses and number of restaurants are the big factors), Housing (home prices, home ownership numbers are used) and Healthcare (number of hospitals and nursing homes, plus insurance coverage contribute to a community’s score).
So, congratulations (?) Wellesley.
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