This page was updated Jan. 2025.
We at The Swellesley Report appreciate getting public feedback on our posts, particularly when it results in solid discussion or when readers add helpful information for others. We vet comments, approving those that add value, not approving those that don’t.
We do have some rules for those wishing to comment on our posts:
- Please be civil (no name calling, allegations, etc.)
- We prefer that you use your real name
- Please disclose if you have a material interest in the topic you’re commenting on
- Keep comments to a couple hundred words (no epics)
- No piling on (we know a campaign when we see one)
If there is endless back and forth between commenters we will cut off that commenting—we suggest the individuals connect offline.
We do not allow comments on letters to the editor. Those who wish to weigh in on a letter may submit their own letter to the editor.
We may not turn on commenting on certain posts, or turn commenting off if it seems appropriate.