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An Evening with Poets Lynne Viti, Heather Treseler, and Lloyd Schwartz
April 3 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Wellesley Books on April 3 (7pm) welcomes poets Lynne Viti, Heather Treseler, and Lloyd Schwartz to discuss their collections.
Viti is the inaugural Poet Laureate of Westwood, Mass., and a lecturer emerita in Wellesley College’s writing program. Treseler is the author of Auguries & Divinations, which received a couple of significant awards. Schwartz is the poet laureate of Somerville, the Frederick S. Troy Professor of English Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Boston, and a longtime arts critic for NPR’s Fresh Air.
This is a ticketed event ($5). Buy tickets online (fees apply) or by calling 781-431-1160 during store hours (no fees). The ticket price will be applied to purchases of the poets’ books at the event.
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