Submit your event/s here. Note that we limit event listings mainly to free or inexpensive public events in Wellesley, such as talks, films, theatre productions, concerts, etc. This is not a place for businesses to promote themselves, their classes, etc. Please don’t submit events that run for weeks and weeks. We approve event listings before they go live, typically within 24 hours.
No business sales, trunk shows, etc. (those would be paid advertisements). Please go easy on the ALL CAPS, exclamation points!!!!, etc.
We also appreciate any contributions to support our independent journalism venture.
Thanks, Deborah & Bob

Annual Plunge for Elodie at Morses Pond
March 22 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am
EVENT: Plunge for Elodie
DATE: Saturday, March 22
TIME: 10:30am
LOCATION: Morses Pond, at the end of Turner Rd.
DESCRIPTION: Named after 8-year-old Elodie Kubik, who lives with a severe form of EB, the Plunge began as a local effort in Wellesley, Massachusetts, organized by childhood friends of Elodie’s mom.
They wanted to do more for the family than just offer emotional support, and as they learned about EB and the larger rare disease community, it became clear how desperately diseases like EB need funding to find treatments and cures. In short: every dollar truly matters. Thus, the first Plunge for Elodie took place in 2018.
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