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Thanks, Deborah & Bob

Check out Natick Center Concert Hall in Clark’s Block building
March 22 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
A group seeking to restore the beautiful but unused Concert Hall on the third floor of Natick’s downtown Clark’s Block building is opening the space on March 22 for self-guided public tours for the first time in decades. The event is technically free, but is designed to encourage people to contribute to a $29,000 fundraising effort to conduct a feasibility study for restoring a pace that was once the heart of Natick’s social scene.
Concert Hall, located on the 3rd floor of the Clark’s Block building, was once the heart of the Natick social scene and hosted galas, dances, concerts, plays, exhibitions, lectures and other special events from 1874 to the 1930s. Over the last 85 years, this town treasure has sat unused for its intended purpose and abandoned as a hauntingly beautiful ruin. Now, the Friends of Concert Hall group is seeking to restore this 150 year old forgotten space and resurrect what has been lost.
Due to the current condition of the space, only adults 18+ may attend this event. To attend, enter the Clark’s Block building at the Main Street entrance between Optica and Orange Theory. Follow the signs to take the stairs to Concert Hall on the 3rd floor. Elevators are available upon request.
For questions about this event or how to make a donation, please email:
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