Submit your event/s here. Note that we limit event listings mainly to free or inexpensive public events in Wellesley, such as talks, films, theatre productions, concerts, etc. This is not a place for businesses to promote themselves, their classes, etc. Please don’t submit events that run for weeks and weeks. We approve event listings before they go live, typically within 24 hours.
No business sales, trunk shows, etc. (those would be paid advertisements). Please go easy on the ALL CAPS, exclamation points!!!!, etc.
We also appreciate any contributions to support our independent journalism venture.
Thanks, Deborah & Bob
Dedham Country Day School—Admissions Coffee and Conversation with Head of School
January 10, 2025 @ 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Connect with Dedham Country Day School Head of School, Allison Webster, and current parents to experience the inclusive culture of our learning community. What makes DCD different? How do children thrive here? What are our core beliefs in educating young children and adolescents? Through these informal conversations, we hope you will walk away with answers to all these questions!
Friday, January 10 | 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
Hale House, Dedham Country Day
To register for a Coffee and Conversation with the Head, please complete the inquiry form and choose the date you’d like to attend at the end of the form.
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