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Thanks, Deborah & Bob

Lisa Rogers Book Launch with Carolyn Mackin & Crystalle Lacouture
March 26 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Lisa Rogers is a former Wellesley Public Schools elementary library teacher and award-winning author who writes lyrical picture book biographies that focus on artists and their inspiration.
This event on March 26 at Wellesley Free Library (6:30pm) will feature a reading of Lisa’s new picture book, Joan Mitchell Paints a Symphony, illustrated by Stacy Innerst and praised by Kirkus Reviews as “simply marvelous.” A panel of local abstract artists, including Carolyn Mackin and Crystalle Lacouture, will join Lisa to discuss the creative process and inspiration for their works.
There will be ample time for questions and conversation.
Books will be available for sale and signing.
This event will be held in the Wakelin Room at the Wellesley Free Library.
This event is free and open to the public.
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