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Thanks, Deborah & Bob

Presentation: ‘Enjoying Rhododendrons and More: Wild and Tame’
March 16 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The American Rhododendron Society, Mass. Chapter will sponsor a presentation at Wellesley Free Library by Doug Jolley March 16 at 1:30 PM. All are welcome to attend, whether or not you are members of the ARS.
Doug spent 26 years practicing dentistry followed by 5 years as Strategic Content Tutor with the Mentor Advantage Program at West Virginia Wesleyan College. He subsequently worked as a Plant Regulatory Officer for 13 years for the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. He and his wife ran a Native Azalea Nursery for 15 years. He authors articles for Wonderful West Virginia Magazine on botany, birding and agriculture history.
Doug’s talk is titled: “Enjoying Rhododendrons and More: Wild and Tame”. It includes 45 years of growing & hybridizing rhododendrons and azaleas and collecting plants while travelling throughout West Virginia.
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