Submit your event/s here. Note that we limit event listings mainly to free or inexpensive public events in Wellesley, such as talks, films, theatre productions, concerts, etc. This is not a place for businesses to promote themselves, their classes, etc. Please don’t submit events that run for weeks and weeks. We approve event listings before they go live, typically within 24 hours.
No business sales, trunk shows, etc. (those would be paid advertisements). Please go easy on the ALL CAPS, exclamation points!!!!, etc.
We also appreciate any contributions to support our independent journalism venture.
Thanks, Deborah & Bob
Select Board office hours open to all in the community
January 29 @ 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Sign up to speak with Select Board member Lise Olney Wednesday, January 29 from 8:30 – 10 a.m. in-person at Wellesley Town Hall. Ask questions, give input, and share concerns about Town operations, economic development, housing, and other issues.
Email Lise at to request a 15-minute appointment.
Select Board office hours are open to everyone in the community.
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