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Thanks, Deborah & Bob
Town of Wellesley pizza party/climate action event
February 11 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
The Town of Wellesley is hosting a climate action learning event, and throwing in free pizza for attendees, on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 6:30-8:30pm at Wellesley Free Library‘s main branch (530 Washington St.). Pizza and socializing at 6:30pm, followed by the program at 7pm. Registration is open.
Learn about home weatherization, heat pumps, solar, transportation, and more. Town representatives will answer questions about financial incentives for decarbonizing buildings, vehicles, and lawn care; no-cost, one-on-one energy coaching; traveling around Wellesley without a car; and resources for sustainable landscaping.
Speakers include: Chris Chan, Assistant Director, Wellesley Municipal Light Plant; Marybeth Martello, Sustainability Director; Sheila Page, Mobility Manager; Brandon Schmitt, Director, Natural Resources Commission.
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