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Thanks, Deborah & Bob

Wellesley College Choral Concert featuring Harvard Glee Club
March 24 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
EVENT: Wellesley College Choral Concert featuring Harvard Glee Club
DATE: April 5, 2025
TIME: 5pm
LOCATION: Jewett Auditorium, Wellesley College
DESCRIPTION: The highly acclaimed Wellesley College Choral program promotes the great art of ensemble singing while building community and joy in performance. Dr. Lisa Graham, Evelyn Barry Director of Choral Music.
The annual Baum Memorial Concert will feature the Harvard Glee Club under the direction of Dr. Andrew Clark. Program to include excerpts from Rachmaninov’s Vespers. The Choir will also present works from Bruckner, Rheinberger, Moses Hogan, and Florence Price, along with music from Bulgaria, Estonia, and Norway.
This event is free and open to the public.
Wellesley College Events Listing
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