Submit your event/s here. Note that we limit event listings mainly to free or inexpensive public events in Wellesley, such as talks, films, theatre productions, concerts, etc. This is not a place for businesses to promote themselves, their classes, etc. Please don’t submit events that run for weeks and weeks. We approve event listings before they go live, typically within 24 hours.
No business sales, trunk shows, etc. (those would be paid advertisements). Please go easy on the ALL CAPS, exclamation points!!!!, etc.
We also appreciate any contributions to support our independent journalism venture.
Thanks, Deborah & Bob

Wellesley Town Election
March 4 @ 7:00 am - 8:00 pm

From the Town of Wellesley:
The Wellesley Annual Town Election is March 4, 2025.
Registered voters are welcome to vote either by mail or on election day at the polls. The first ballot cast will be considered final and may not be rescinded.
As allowed, all Early Voting by Mail Ballots will be processed either during advanced processing or at the Polls.
Election Day – Vote at the Polls
- Polls will be open 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Tuesday March 4, 2025.
- Some of the polling locations have CHANGED. See Map. The polls will be open on Election Day from 7 AM to 8 PM.
- Precincts A & C: Upham Elementary School, 35 Wynnewood Road *** NEW LOCATION
- Precinct B: Sprague Elementary School, 401 School Street
- Precincts D & E: Warren Building, 90 Washington Street
- Precincts F & G: Shipley Center, Dana Hall School, 142 Grove Street
- Precinct H: Tolles Parsons Center, Council on Aging, 500 Washington Street
Voter Information
Accessible Electronic Voting Now Available!
The Accessible Electronic Voting System is available to voters who are unable to independently read, write or physically manipulate or mark paper ballots because of a disability.
Accessible Vote by Mail Ballots may be requested:
Voter Registration
The last day to register to vote for the Annual Town Election is Friday February 21, 2025 at 5:00 PM. US Citizens who reside in Wellesley and are at least 18 years of age on election day may register at Town Hall, 525 Washington Street or online here with a Massachusetts drivers license.
Vote by Mail
Voters are encouraged to Vote by Mail. The application is also available here.
The last day to request a Vote by Mail ballot for the March 4, 2025 Annual Town Elections is Tuesday February 25, 2025 at 5:00 pm.
Vote by Mail ballots, must be received by Town Hall, no later than 8:00 PM on Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 525 Washington Street. Vote by Mail ballots may NOT be dropped off at polling locations.
Ballots may be returned to the Payment and Elections Drop Box at Town Hall, 525 Washington Street.
Voters who have received a Vote by Mail ballot may change their mind and vote in-person only if they have not returned their ballot. Only the first ballot submitted will be counted.
Voters may track their vote by mail ballot status online here.
Absentee Voting In-Person for qualified voters is available until March 3, 2025 at 12:00 noon. Appointment required.